======== Sep 3, 2023 ======== Data Release V1 of "AGNs and Host Galaxies in COSMOS-Web Project" (Zhuang, Li and Shen 2023, [https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023arXiv230903266Z/abstract]) This data release contains reduced NIRCam mosaics and PSF models in four filters (F115W, F150W, F277W, and F444W) covering 0.28 square deg (80 visits in January, May, and June 2023). We provide data, error, and weight images as separate files for each filter of each visit in the "/nircam/images/" directory. Pseudo-color images are stored in the "/nircam/color_composites/" directory. The corresponding PSF models (global, broad, and narrow) are stored in the "/nircam/psf/" directory. Mosaics have a pixel scale of 30 mas/pixel while PSF models have a pixel scale of 15 mas/pixel (oversampled by a factor of two). The center coordinates of each observation (visit) are listed in /nircam/COSMOS-Web_pointing_info.txt. Name scheme Mosaics: OBS_A_B_C.fits A: observation number; B: filter name (F115W, F150W, F277W, or F444W), C: file type (data, error, or weight). PSF models: OBS_A_B_C_PSF.fits A: observation number; B: filter name (F115W, F150W, F277W, or F444W), C: PSF type (global, broad, or narrow). ================