Data Release V1 of "High-quality Extragalactic Legacy-field Monitoring (HELM) with DECam" (Zhuang et al. 2024, [url]) This data release contains median source catalog and light curve of individual objects in CDF-S, COSMOS, ELAIS-S1, S-CVZ, Stripe 82, and XMM-LSS fields up to 13 September 2022. Meidan source catalogs are stored in the "median_source_catalogs" directory while light curves of individual objects are in the "lightcurves" directory. Column description of median source catalog. Index: Source index ra (degree): Right Ascension (J2000) dec (degree): Declination (J2000) mag_psf (mag): SExtractor PSF magnitude mag_auto (mag): SExtractor AUTO magnitude flags: SExtractor extraction flags spread_model DOUBLE SExtractor model-based star-galaxy classifier class_star DOUBLE SExtractor neural network-based star-galaxy classifier Nexp_psf: Number of exposures with successful mag psf measurement Nexp_auto: Number of exposures with successful mag auto measurement Separation (arcsec): Distance between median coordinate in griz bands and u band (only in S-CVZ field) Notes: All columns except Separation can have prefix, while all columns except Index, Nexp psf, Nexp auto, and Separation have suffix. Prefix: "*_" indicates the associated band for the parameter, with * = one or a combination of ugriz bands (such as g in all fields or griz only for S-CVZ). If not specified (for Index, ra, and dec in all fields except S-CVZ), it represents the value for all bands combined. Suffix: "_m" and "_err" indicate unweighted median (50%) and its corresponding error of Nexp measurements with err = 0.5 × (84th percentile − 16th percentile)/√Nexp; "_w" indicates inverse variance weighted mean (Σ(m_i/e^2_i )/Σ(1/e^2_i), where m_i and e_i represent individual measurement and its error at ith exposure, respectively); "_w_err" indicates the error associated with _w after error propagation (1/√Σ(1/e^2_i)). Specifically, "_err" = "_w_err" = error of individual measurement when Nexp=1. Value = "-99" indicates no data or non-detection. Column description of individual source light curve table. ra (degree): Right Ascension (J2000) dec (degree): Declination (J2000) expnum: DECam exposure number mjd (day): Modified Julian date of exposure band: Filter (one of ugriz) mag_psf (mag): SExtractor PSF magnitude mag_e_psf (mag): Uncertainty of SExtractor PSF magnitude mag_auto (mag): SExtractor AUTO magnitude mag_e_auto (mag): Uncertainty of SExtractor AUTO magnitude flags: SExtractor extraction flags spread_model: SExtractor model-based star-galaxy separation spread_model_e: Uncertainty of SExtractor model-based star-galaxy separation class_star: SExtractor neural network-based star-galaxy separation