1d spectra of bright (F444W or F356W < 21 mag) sources in NEXUS (epoch 1; central 100 arcmin2) Public version: v01; internal version: v03. ---------------------------------------- NIRCam WFSS 1d spectra ---------------------------------------- This version of released 1D spectrum is generated by coadding 1D spectra from individual exposures. F322W2 and F444W 1D spectra are stored in f322w2 and f444w2 directories, respectively. Quality assurance (QA) plots for both grisms are stored in the /qa directory. 2D stacked WFSS spectrum in the QA plot is for visual inspection purpose only and not used for 1D spectra extraction. Name scheme: 1D spectrum: jw05105001_nrc_grismR_[grism]_ID[ID]_spec1d_coadd.fits QA plot: jw05105001_nrc_grismR_ID[ID]_qa.pdf [grism] = [F322W2] or [F444W] [ID] = 5 digit ID in the photometric catalog: wide_ep1_01_src_catalog_v1.fits. 0s are padded to the left if ID is smaller than 10000. 1D spectrum: This is a standard multi-extension FITS file. The primary extension contains only a header, which highlights the versions of the software used. The second extension (EXTNAME=SPEC1D) includes the spectra before continuum subtraction, while the third extension (EXTNAME=LINE1D) contains the spectra after continuum model subtraction. Both the second and third extensions include optimally extracted spectra as well as boxcar-extracted spectra (with an extraction diameter of 7 pixels). Columns: wave, flux, sig, and gpm indicate the observed-frame wavelength (micron), flux (microJy), flux error (microJy), and good pixel mask (gpm; 1 means good, 0 means bad). Columns with _box suffix indicate quantities from the boxcar extraction. ---------------------------------------- Visual inspection flag table ---------------------------------------- We also include a flag table from visual inspection. Column name: ID, flag, RA, DEC, F356W_mag, and F444W_mag. ID, RA, DEC, F356W_mag, and F444W_mag are the same as those in wide_ep1_01_src_catalog_v1.fits. We have 5 flags: contaminated, saturated, low_snr, good-cont, and line-emit. "contaminated" are continuum sources whose spectra are heavily contaminated by another bright (most of the time brighter) continuum sources; "saturated" are stars saturated so centroids are not reliable; "low_snr" are faint / low-surface-brightness sources with very low-S/N continuum; "good-cont" are sources whose continua are useable, although some of them are still affected by minor contamination or contamination at certain wavelength; "line-emit" are sources with emission lines, regardless whether the continuum has been contaminated or not.